Rains Prompt Water Release from Mvutshane Dam – Monday, 30 October 2023

Torrential rains over the past few weeks have significantly pushed up water levels in the Mvutshane Dam in Maphumulo under the ILembe District.

On Monday, 30 October 2023, water levels at the dam reached the 70% mark which exceeds the stipulated safe operating levels that require the Mvutshane Dam to be maintained at between 40% and 60% capacity.

It is important to release the excess water so that it does not undermine the integrity of the dam structure.

Therefore, uMngeni-uThukela-uThukela Water will at 10am Tuesday, 31 October 2023, be releasing water from Mvutshane in order to reduce the dam to the permissible safety levels. Water released from the Mvutshane Dam will make its way into the Hlimbithwa and Umvoti Rivers which will result in significant swelling of these rivers.

Umngeni-uThukela appeals to the public to avoid crossing these rivers and low lying bridges as any attempt to do so could pose significant risk of drowning or getting washed away.

We further urge communities to safeguard any property, including livestock, located on riverbanks while the water releases are in progress.

The release of water from the Mvutshane Dam will be stopped once the water reaches 60% or less of the dam’s storage capacity.

Issued by: Office of the Chief Executive, Corporate Stakeholder Management Unit.


Izimvula ezinamandla ziphoqe ukuncishiswa kwamanzi edamini iMvutshane – uMsombuluko, 30 October 2023

Izimvula ezinamandla kulamasonto ambalwa edlule zenyuse kakhulu umthamo wamanzi edamini laseMvutshane endaweni yakwaMaphumulo ngaphansi kukaMasipala wesifunda Ilembe.
NgoMsombuluko womhlaka 30 Okthoba 2023 umthamo wamanzi kulelidamu wenyuke wayoshaya ku 70% nokuyisikalo esingaphezulu kakhulu kunaleso esibekiwe sokuthi amanzi agcinwe kulo kumele abe phakathi kuka 40 no 60%.
Kubalulekile ukuthi amanzi agciniwe ahambisane nesikalo esibekiwe kungenjalo kungaba nobungozi bokuthi kulimale ingqalasizinda yedamu.
Ngenxa yalokhu, uMngeni-uThukela uyaphoqeleka ukuthi unciphise amanzi kanti sesithathe isinqumo sokuthi ngoLwesibili, 31 Okthoba 2023, sidedele amanzi edamini iMvutshane. Lokhu kuyoholela ekutheni imifula efana neHlimbithwa kanye noMvoti igcwale kwazise idamu liyobe lichithela kuyo. Siyacela ukuba umphakathi ukugweme ukuwela lemifula ngalesisikhathi ngoba kungaba nobungozi bokugwiliza kumbe ukwemuka.
Sithanda futhi ukukhumbuza umphakathi ukuthi uqikelele ukuphepha kwempahla, kubalwa imfuyo, okungenzeka ibe sososebeni lwemifula.
Ukudedelwa kwamanzi eMvutshane kuyoyekwa uma idamu selehlile layoshaya ku60% kumbe ngaphansi kwawo.