Maintenance Shutdown of Hazelmere Water Works and La Mercy Reservoir Pipeline for Thursday, 19 October 2023

The Hazelmere Water Treatment Plant in Verulam will undergo a maintenance shutdown to allow for the isolation and cleaning of one of its clarifiers. The three-day shutdown will commence on Friday, 20 October 2023 at 1 am until the morning of Monday, 23 October 2023 at 6 am.

While water will continue to be pumped normally and reservoir water levels continually monitored during this time, there may be some reduction in supply and pressure. The shutdown will impact on parts of the ILembe District Municipality, the eThekwini Metro and the Siza Water concession area.

The following areas that receive their bulk water supply from the Hazelmere Water Treatment Plant may experience a reduction in supply and pressure during the shutdown:

  • Ilembe District
  • Avondale
  • Ndwedwe
  • EThekwini Metro
  • Waterloo
  • Verulam
  • La Mercy

In the second instance, Umngeni-uThukela will temporarily shutdown the pipeline to the La Mercy Reservoir for 8 hours from 8am on Friday, 20 October 2023 until 16h00 on the same day. This is to allow for the installation of a coated pipe spool in the meter chamber. The following areas will experience water interruptions during the 8-hour shutdown:

  • La Mercy
  • Seatides
  • Westbrook
  • Nyaninga

uMngeni-uThukela Water apologises for the inconvenience but at the same assures its stakeholders and the public that the maintenance work is aimed at ensuring an uninterrupted water supply in future. Every endeavour will be made to complete the work in the shortest possible time.



Ukuvalwa kwesikhashana kwesiphehlimanzi iHazelmere Water Works Kanye nepayipi eliphakela amanzi iLa Mercy Reservoir
uLwesine, 19 Okthoba 2023.

Isiphehlimanzi iHazelmere Water Treatment Plant eseVerulam sizovalwa okwesikhashana ukuze kuqhutshwe umsebenzi wokuhlanzwa kwelinye lamathangi amakhulukazi okugcina amanzi.

Lo msebenzi uyoqala ngoLwesihlanu mhlaka 20 Okthoba 2023 ngehora lokuqala ekuseni uze uphothulwe ngoMsombuluko mhlaka 23 Okthoba ngehora lesithupha ekuseni.

Yize sizoqhubeka nokuphaka amanzi siphinde siqaphe nomthamo wawo emathangini ngalesi sikhathi, kungenzela kube khona ukuncipha komthamo wawo kanjalo nomfutho aphuma ngawo.

Lokuqhutshwa kwalomsebenzi kuyothinta uMasipala weSifunda ILembe, uMasipala Omkhulu weTheku kanye nezingxenye ezithile ezithola amanzi kwinkampani ezimele iSiza Water.

Izindawo ezilandelayo eziphakelwa amanzi awumthamo asuka eHazelmere Water Works kungenzeka zithakamezeke ngesikhathi kuqhutshwa umsebenzi:

  • UMasipala wesifunda Ilembe
  • Avondale
  • Ndwedwe
  • UMasipala Omkhulu weTheku
  • Waterloo
  • Verulam
  • La Mercy

Esigabeni sesibili somsebenzi, Umngeni-uThukela uzomisa ukuphakwa kwamanzi abheke eLa Mercy Reservior isikhathi esingangamahora awu-8 kusukela ngo 8 ekuseni kuya ku 4 ntambama ngoLwesihlanu, 20 Okthoba 2023. Lokhu kwenzelwa ukuthi kuxhunywe isiqeshana sepayipi endaweni okuhlala kuyo imitha lokukala umthamo wamanzi.

Izindawo ezilandelayo ezizothikamezeka ngalesisikhathi:

  • La Mercy
  • Seatides
  • Westbrook
  • Nyaninga

Umngeni-uThukela Water udlulisa ukuxolisa okukhulu ngokuthikamezeka okuzoba khona kepha siyaqiniseka ukuthi lo msebenzi uyokwenza ngcono isimo sokutholakala kwamanzi enkathini ezayo. Sizozama okusemandleni ukuqikelela ukuthi umsebenzi siwuphothula ngaphambi kwesikhathi esibekiwe.