uMngeni-uThukela  engages with stakeholders on bulk water tariffs

On Tuesday, 13 November 2023, the Executive Management of uMngeni-Uthukela engaged with various stakeholders including municipalities, the National Treasury, the South African Local Government Association, Siza Water, and Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority on proposed bulk water tariffs for the 2024/2025 period.

In its presentation to stakeholders, uMngeni-uThukela stressed that, in preparation for the tariff review, it had focussed on maintaining financial viability, infrastructure maintenance, and upgrades, and delivering quality potable water and related services.

Stakeholders expressed gratitude to uMngeni-uThukela for the consultative session, adding that there was a need to work collaboratively between water service authorities and the Water Board on issues of mutual interest. These include curbing non-revenue water loss and speeding up of new infrastructure projects for future water security.

As part of the ongoing consultations, uMngeni-uThukela will meet with its industrial and municipal stakeholders in the Richards Bay northern operations.

Planned Electrical Maintenance Shutdown for Avondale Pump Station – Monday, 30 October 2023

The Avondale Pump Station will undergo a maintenance shutdown to allow for electrical work and servicing on two of its pumps. The shutdown will commence on Tuesday, 31 October 2023 at 8am until 1 November 2023 at 16h00.

On Tuesday, 31 October 2023, two pumps will be isolated to allow for the servicing of electrical components. During this time, only one pump will be operational which could lead to some reduction in the supply of water. A complete shutdown is however not anticipated.

On Wednesday, 1 November 2023, there will be a full switchboard isolation between 8am and 16h00 for further electrical work to be undertaken. This will result in the Avondale Pump Station being offline for 8 hours. However, as an interim arrangement and to ensure that water disruptions remain minimal, the Avondale Reservoir will be supplied via the La Mercy Pumps.

While we will endeavour to complete the electrical maintenance work by Wednesday, 1 November 2023, if warranted, some secondary inspections may be undertaken on Thursday, 2 November 2023.

The following areas that receive may experience a reduction in water supply during the maintenance shutdown:

Ilembe District

  • Zimbali
  • Ballito
  • Chaka’s Rock
  • Salt Rock
  • Sheffield Beach
  • Foxhill
  • Umhlali
  • Shaka’s kraal
  • Etete
  • Nkobongo
  • Shayamoya
  • Shaka’s Head
  • Tinley Manor
  • Ethembeni
  • Palm Lakes
  • Nyaninga

EThekwini Metro

  • La Mercy

uMngeni-uThukela Water apologises for the inconvenience but at the same assures its stakeholders and the public that the maintenance work is aimed at ensuring an uninterrupted water supply in future.


Water supply back to normal after completion maintenance at Hazelmere Water Works and La Mercy Reservoir Pipeline ahead of schedule -Saturday, 21 October 2023

uMngeni-uThukela has successfully completed the maintenance of one of its clarifiers at the Hazelmere Water Treatment Plant and the installation of a pipe spool to the La Mercy Reservoir pipeline.

In the first instance, uMngeni-uThukela had estimated that the cleaning of its clarifier would commence on Friday, 20 October until Monday, 23 October 2023.

However, the work was completed well ahead of schedule on Saturday, 21 October 2023.
Water is now being pumped normally to those parts of the Ilembe District, eThekwini Metro, and the Siza Water concession area that had been affected by the maintenance shutdown
The following areas are now back to a normal supply of water.

Ilembe District

  • Avondale
  • Ndwedwe

EThekwini Metro

  • Waterloo
  • Verulam
  • La Mercy

In the second instance, Umngeni-uThukela also completed on schedule the installation of a pipe spool on the La Mercy Reservoir pipeline. The water supply was fully restored on Friday, 20 October 2023 at 16h00.

The following areas are now back to a normal water supply.

  • La Mercy
  • Seatides
  • Westbrook
  • Nyaninga

uMngeni-uThukela Water would like to thank all its customers, stakeholders, and the public for their patience and understanding during the maintenance shutdown.

Issued by: Office of the Chief Executive, Corporate Stakeholder Management Unit


Isaziso somphakathi

Ukubuyela esimweni kokuphakwa kwamanzi eHazelmere Water Works kanye nepayipi eliphakela amanzi iLa Mercy Reservoir – uMgqibelo, 21 Okthoba 2023.

uMngeni-uThukela Water usuwuphothulile umsebenzi wokuhlanzwa kwelinye lamathangi amakhulukazi kwisiphehlimanzi iHazelmere Water Treatment Works kanye nokulungiswa kwepayipi eLa Mercy Resevior.

Lo msebenzi oqale ngoLwesihlanu womhlaka 20 Okthoba 2023 bekubhekeke ukuthi uphothulwe ngoMsombuluko womhlaka 23 Okthoba 2023 kepha sikwazile ukuwuphothula ngempumelelo ngoMgqibelo womhlaka 21 Okthoba 2023.

Lokhu kwaphoqa ukuthi kuvalwe isikhashana kwesiphehlimanzi saseHazelmere nokwathikameza ukuphakwa kwamanzi ezingxenyeni zikaMasipala wesifunda iLembe kanye noMasipala omkhulu weTheku.

Amanzi asebuyelile ekuphakweni ngokujwayelekile kulezizindawo ezilandelayo.

UMasipala wesifunda Ilembe

  • Avondale
  • Ndwedwe

UMasipala Omkhulu weTheku

  • Waterloo
  • Verulam
  • La Mercy

Esigabeni sesibili somsebenzi, Umngeni-uThukela uphinde waqeda ngesikhathi ukuxhunywa kwesiqeshana sepayipi elibheke eLa Mercy Reservior.
Lo msebenzi uphothulwe ntambama ngoLwesihlanu, 20 Okthoba 2023 kanti amanzi asephakwa ngokujwayelekile kulezindawo ezilandelayo

  • La Mercy
  • Seatides
  • Westbrook
  • Nyaninga

uMngeni-uThukela Water udlulisa ukubonga okukhulu emphakathini kanye nakumakhasimende awo ngokuwubekezelela ngesikhathi kuqhutshwa lo msebenzi.

Isaziso sivela kuphiko lokuXhumana namaKhasimende, iHhovisi leSikhulu Esiphezulu, uMngeni-uThukela Water

Maintenance Shutdown of Hazelmere Water Works and La Mercy Reservoir Pipeline for Thursday, 19 October 2023

The Hazelmere Water Treatment Plant in Verulam will undergo a maintenance shutdown to allow for the isolation and cleaning of one of its clarifiers. The three-day shutdown will commence on Friday, 20 October 2023 at 1 am until the morning of Monday, 23 October 2023 at 6 am.

While water will continue to be pumped normally and reservoir water levels continually monitored during this time, there may be some reduction in supply and pressure. The shutdown will impact on parts of the ILembe District Municipality, the eThekwini Metro and the Siza Water concession area.

The following areas that receive their bulk water supply from the Hazelmere Water Treatment Plant may experience a reduction in supply and pressure during the shutdown:

  • Ilembe District
  • Avondale
  • Ndwedwe
  • EThekwini Metro
  • Waterloo
  • Verulam
  • La Mercy

In the second instance, Umngeni-uThukela will temporarily shutdown the pipeline to the La Mercy Reservoir for 8 hours from 8am on Friday, 20 October 2023 until 16h00 on the same day. This is to allow for the installation of a coated pipe spool in the meter chamber. The following areas will experience water interruptions during the 8-hour shutdown:

  • La Mercy
  • Seatides
  • Westbrook
  • Nyaninga

uMngeni-uThukela Water apologises for the inconvenience but at the same assures its stakeholders and the public that the maintenance work is aimed at ensuring an uninterrupted water supply in future. Every endeavour will be made to complete the work in the shortest possible time.



Ukuvalwa kwesikhashana kwesiphehlimanzi iHazelmere Water Works Kanye nepayipi eliphakela amanzi iLa Mercy Reservoir
uLwesine, 19 Okthoba 2023.

Isiphehlimanzi iHazelmere Water Treatment Plant eseVerulam sizovalwa okwesikhashana ukuze kuqhutshwe umsebenzi wokuhlanzwa kwelinye lamathangi amakhulukazi okugcina amanzi.

Lo msebenzi uyoqala ngoLwesihlanu mhlaka 20 Okthoba 2023 ngehora lokuqala ekuseni uze uphothulwe ngoMsombuluko mhlaka 23 Okthoba ngehora lesithupha ekuseni.

Yize sizoqhubeka nokuphaka amanzi siphinde siqaphe nomthamo wawo emathangini ngalesi sikhathi, kungenzela kube khona ukuncipha komthamo wawo kanjalo nomfutho aphuma ngawo.

Lokuqhutshwa kwalomsebenzi kuyothinta uMasipala weSifunda ILembe, uMasipala Omkhulu weTheku kanye nezingxenye ezithile ezithola amanzi kwinkampani ezimele iSiza Water.

Izindawo ezilandelayo eziphakelwa amanzi awumthamo asuka eHazelmere Water Works kungenzeka zithakamezeke ngesikhathi kuqhutshwa umsebenzi:

  • UMasipala wesifunda Ilembe
  • Avondale
  • Ndwedwe
  • UMasipala Omkhulu weTheku
  • Waterloo
  • Verulam
  • La Mercy

Esigabeni sesibili somsebenzi, Umngeni-uThukela uzomisa ukuphakwa kwamanzi abheke eLa Mercy Reservior isikhathi esingangamahora awu-8 kusukela ngo 8 ekuseni kuya ku 4 ntambama ngoLwesihlanu, 20 Okthoba 2023. Lokhu kwenzelwa ukuthi kuxhunywe isiqeshana sepayipi endaweni okuhlala kuyo imitha lokukala umthamo wamanzi.

Izindawo ezilandelayo ezizothikamezeka ngalesisikhathi:

  • La Mercy
  • Seatides
  • Westbrook
  • Nyaninga

Umngeni-uThukela Water udlulisa ukuxolisa okukhulu ngokuthikamezeka okuzoba khona kepha siyaqiniseka ukuthi lo msebenzi uyokwenza ngcono isimo sokutholakala kwamanzi enkathini ezayo. Sizozama okusemandleni ukuqikelela ukuthi umsebenzi siwuphothula ngaphambi kwesikhathi esibekiwe.

uMngeni-uThukela to embark on a 24-hour planned maintenance shutdown of the Durban Heights Water Treatment Plant on Wednesday, 11 October 2023 until Thursday, 12 October 2023


uMngeni-uThukela to embark on a 24-hour planned maintenance shutdown of the Durban Heights Water Treatment Plant on Wednesday, 11 October 2023 until Thursday, 12 October 2023

uMngeni-uThukela Water will implement a planned maintenance shutdown of its Durban Heights Water Treatment Plant to allow for the completion of repair work on Aquaduct-2 which was washed away during the floods in April 2022.

Aqueduct-2 is a large-diameter pipeline that supplies raw water to the Plant for purification and supply to customers.

The planned maintenance shutdown requires the isolation of Aqueduct 2 to allow for the inspection of its last section. Depending on the inspection outcomes, carbon fibre repair kits will be installed on those identified sections of the Aqueduct.

The shutdown will commence at midnight on Wednesday, 11 October 2023, and will be undertaken over 24 hours until midnight on Thursday, 12 October 2023.

This critical maintenance exercise forms part of uMngeni-uThukela’s plans to restore its bulk water infrastructure following damages sustained during the April 2022 floods.

During this time, parts of the eThekwini Metro will experience a reduced supply of water.

The following areas that are supplied by the Durban Heights Water Treatment Plant may experience some disruptions or low water pressure during this time:

  • Durban North
  • uMhlanga
  • Phoenix
  • Inanda
  • Ntuzuma
  • KwaMashu
  • Umlazi
  • Chatsworth
  • Folweni
  • Chesterville
  • Westville
  • Pinetown
  • KwaSanti
  • Savannah Park
  • Klaarwater
  • Verulam
  • Redcliffe
  • Richmond Farm
  • Queensburgh
  • Chatsworth
  • Klaarwater
  • Shallcross
  • St Wendolins
  • Savanah Park
  • Welbedatch West
  • Demat
  • Luganda
  • Mawelewele
  • Parts of Nagina
  • Washington Heigh

uMngeni-uThukela Water will continue to work with the eThekwini Metro to ensure that disruptions are minimal and that the maintenance work is kept to schedule.

We apologise for any disruption that will be caused during the maintenance work but reassure all our customers and the public that, ultimately, the infrastructure upgrade will result in a more secure supply of water in the future.

We also urge the public to continue to use water sparingly.

Issued by: Corporate Stakeholder Management Unit, Office of the Chief Executive, uMngeni-uThukela Water


uMngeni-uThukela uzomisa ukusebenza isikhathi esingamahora angu 24 kwisihlanzimanzi iDurban Heights Water Treatment Plant ukuze kwenziwe umsebenzi ohlelelwe ngoLwesithathu, 11 ku Mfumfu (Okthoba) 2023 kuya kuLwesine, 12 ku Mfumfu (Okthoba)  2023

uMngeni-uThukela Water uzomisa okwesikhashana ukusebenza kwesihlanzimanzi sawo iDurban Heights Water Treatment Plant ukuze kuqhutshekwe nomsebennzi wokulungiswa kwe- Aqueduct-2 elilimala mhla kunezikhulula ku Mbasa (Ephreli) 2022.

I-Aqueduct 2 ipayipi elinobubanzi obukhulu eliphakela amanzi kwisihlanzamanzi saseDurban Heights nokuthi uma esehlanzekile adluliswe kumakhasimende ethu.

Lokuqhutshwa kwalo msebenzi ohlelelwe kumbandakanya ukuvalwa kwe-Aqueduct 2 ukuze onjiniyela bakwazi ukuhlola ingxenye yokugcina yepayipi. Uma kunomokalalo ohlonziwe kulo, liyobe selilungiswa kuleyondawo.

Ukumiswa kokuphehlwa kwamanzi awumthamo asuka eDurban Heights kuyoqala ngehora leshumi nambili ebusuku ngoLwesithathu mhlaka 11 ku Mfumfu (Okthoba)  kuze kube ihora leshumi nambili ngoLwesine womhlaka 12 kuMfumfu (Okthoba)  2023.

Lo msebenzi usemqoka kakhulu futhi uyingxenye yezinhlelo zoMngeni-uThukela zokuqikelela ukuvuselelwa kwengqalasizinda yawo ethwala amanzi awumthamo kulandela ukukhahlamezeka kwayo ngezikhukhula zika kuMbasa (Ephreli) 2022. Ngenxa yalokhu kulungiswa, kunezingxenye zikaMasipala oMkhulu weTheku ezingathikamezeka kumbe zehlelwe umfutho wamanzi eziwatholayo.

Lapha kubalwa izindawo ezilandelayo:

  • Durban North
  • uMhlanga
  • Phoenix
  • Inanda
  • Ntuzuma
  • KwaMashu
  • Umlazi
  • Chatsworth
  • Folweni
  • Chesterville
  • Westville
  • Pinetown
  • KwaSanti
  • Savannah Park
  • Klaarwater
  • Verulam
  • Redcliffe
  • Richmond Farm
  • Queensburgh
  • Chatsworth
  • Klaarwater
  • Shallcross
  • St Wendolins
  • Savanah Park
  • Welbedatch West
  • Demat
  • Luganda
  • Mawelewele
  • Parts of Nagina
  • Washington Heigh

uMngeni-uThukela Water uzoqhubeka nokusebenzisana ngokubambisana noMasipala oMkhulu weTheku ukuze kuqikelelwe ukuthi ukuthikamezeka kokuphakwa kwamanzi akubi nomthelela ongako emphakathini.

Sidlulisa ukuxolisa emphakathini namakhasimende ethu ngokuthikamezeka okuzoba khona ngalesi sikhathi kepha siyaqinisekisa ukuthi uyothi ungaphothulwa lo msebenzi ingqalasizinda yethu ikwazi ukumelana kangcono nomsebenzi wokuphaka amanzi awumthamo enkathini ezayo.

Sithanda ukukhumbuza umphakathi ukuthi uqhubeke ngokusebenzisa amanzi ngokonga.

Isaziso sivela kuphiko lokuXhumana namaKhasimende, iHhovisi leSikhulu Esiphezulu, uMngeni-uThukela Water

uMngeni-uThukela Water Young Innovators Conclude the UN Global Compact SDG Innovators Accelerator with an ‘Offboarding’ Showcase” session

Bringing you exciting news, where uMngeni–uThukela Young Professional have once again set themselves far apart from their peers in terms of performance.  In the last couple of months, the Young  Professionals participated in the SDG Innovation Accelerator for Young Professionals, which is an  opportunity for participating companies of the UN Global Compact to empower young talent within their organizations to collaborate and accelerate business innovation towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This programme activates future business leaders and change makers to develop and drive innovative solutions through new technologies, initiatives, and business models and deliver on their company’s sustainability objectives.

uMngeni-uThukela young innovators closed off their participation on the United Nations Global Compact SDG Innovators Accelerator for Young Professionals with an “Offboarding ” session where participating companies presented their innovative business model solution developed over the past 6 months.

The team won  1st Place  amongst 17 other companies who were part of the programme. The winning team received partial sponsorship to present and showcase their innovative business solution along 12 other countries at the United Nations Leaders’ Summit. This is the first time of its kind where Young Professionals around the world are given an opportunity to be part of this prestigious session.

uMngeni-uThukela Water has undeniably left a significant mark, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to achieving sustainability development goals.

Congratulations to Sinothile Magubane (Operations), Thandeka Jwara (Process Services), Lungelo Shelembe (Legal Services), Tsepo Lebeko (Laboratory Services), for their successful completion of the programme.

Planned shutdown of pipeline from Hazelmere Water Treatment Works to Ndwedwe Reservoir 5

Monday, 11 September 2023

Essential maintenance work is to be undertaken by uMngeni-uThukela Water – formerly uMngeni-uThukela Water – on the pipeline that carries drinking water from the Hazelmere Water Treatment Works to Ndwedwe Reservoir 5 in Ndwedwe. The work will involve removal and installation of new air valves, among other components. The pipe will be shutdown and work will begin at 08h00 on Monday, 11 September 2023, and is scheduled to be completed by 22h00 on the same day.

Before work commences the pipe will have to be drained and scoured; hence 14 hours have been allocated. In preparation for the pipe shutdown, Ndwedwe Reservoir 5 will be topped up. It is hoped that demand remains constant and that there are no power outages. If this occurs, it will be difficult to top up the reservoir and this will then affect supply from the reservoir.

While work is being conducted it is likely that the whole of the KwaHlope area will be affected by erratic or no water supply.

Once work has been completed, it is expected that water will begin flowing through the pipe by the following day (12 September 2023).

uMngeni-uThukela Water wishes to thank its customer, iLembe District Municipality, for its understanding and support. An apology is also issued to consumers for any inconvenience that may be caused during the shutdown. An assurance is given that every endeavour will be made to try to complete the work in the allocated time.

Issued by the Corporate Stakeholder Management Unit, Office of the Chief Executive uMngeni-uThukela Water

Emergency 8-hour shutdown of the Lower Thukela Bulk Potable Water Pipeline

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

An emergency shutdown of the Lower Thukela Bulk Potable Water Pipeline began at 10h00 on Tuesday, 29 August 2023, following the discovery of a new leak on the pipeline. Work on repairing the leak is scheduled to be completed by 18h00 on the same day. After repairs are completed, the pipeline will be recommissioned, enabling it to receive water and convey water again.

The pipeline will have to be drained before work begins; this, on its own, requires several hours. The pipe conveys drinking water from the Lower Thukela Bulk Potable Water Supply Scheme in Mandini to supply iLembe District Municipality for reticulation within a vast area in KwaDukuza.

The following areas will be affected by no water supply or erratic water supply during the eight (8)-hour shutdown:

  Zinkwazi San Sounci Darnall
  Lindelani Glenhills Sakhamkhanya
  Shekembula Ohlanga Wattenton
  Stanger Manor Mdlebeni Shakaville
  Zamani Gledhow North Thembeni
  KwaDukuza Central Business District Nyoniyamanzi Lot 16 Grouville Mission
  Dube Village Hangoes


uMngeni-uThukela Water wishes to thank the iLembe District Municipality for its co-operation and understanding. uMngeni-uThukela Water also wishes to apologise to consumers for any inconvenience that may be caused during the shutdown.

An assurance is given that every effort will be made to try to complete the work before the allocated eight (8) hours.

Issued by the Corporate Stakeholder Management Unit, Office of the Chief Executive

uMngeni-uThukela urges beachgoers and fishermen to refrain from using Alkaanstrand Beach in Richards Bay due to wastewater spillage

Friday, 25 August 2023

uMngeni-uThukela Water would like to caution beachgoers and fishermen against using the Alkaanstrand Beach due to a damaged pipeline which has led to some wastewater spilling into the sea.

The damaged pipeline safely expels treated industrial water into the depths of sea in an environmentally sensitive manner.

While we have already dispatched a crew of technical experts on site to determine the cause of the leak and commence with fixing it, as a precautionary measure, we urge the public to avoid using the Alkaanstrand Beach for recreational activities such as fishing and swimming.

The incident has also been brought to the attention of the relevant authorities and we are working closely with the Department of Environmental Affairs, Forestries and Fisheries,

UMngeni-UThukela has begun a process of sampling water from the Alkaanstrand Beach. The provision of a safe and reliable service to all our customers and the public remains our top priority.

We endeavour to keep the public and all our stakeholders updated on repair work on the damaged pipeline.

Issued by Corporate Stakeholder Management Unit, Office of the Chief Executive uMngeni-uThukela Water